Monday, January 24, 2022

Carcinoma of Tongue and Self Screening for Early-Stage Diagnosis


Carcinoma of the Tongue is a type of oral cancer differentiated to site in the oral region &/or within the tongue. Most commonly it is presented as a squamous cell carcinoma. In this, the base of tongue cancer is towards the rear third of the tongue. The mentioned oral cancers are relatively rare, representing only about three percent of all cancers. Mostly, Male predilection in the 6th decade is reported with 4th-decade involvement in females.

Earliest observed in carcinoma of the tongue is a pinkish-red sore at the side of the tongue that persists and gives a history of not healing. In the early stages squamous cell carcinoma involving the base of the tongue may be asymptomatic. In this instance at the time of diagnosis cancer is already in late-stage/Metastases.

 And the symptoms like pain in the tongue and surrounding tissue, are accompanied then by changes in voice tones and sounds, with complaints of difficulty in swallowing. It is significant to notice here that just because the early dormant symptoms precede the diagnosis, of squamous cell cancers of the base of the tongue which have already had squamous cancer cells in the lymph nodes of the neck.

Etiology for carcinoma of tongue is not known but inadequate oral hygiene like thickened white patches on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are prefixed cascades in observation. The disorder defining the cascades of tongue cancer is associated with alcoholism, cirrhosis of the liver, excessive smoking, and syphilis & or Viral infections. In addition to these other parameters are irritation by jagged teeth, projecting fillings, ill-fitting dentures with a less uncommon possibility of a genetic predisposition to malignancy.

Diagnostic work-up done includes the biopsy that is an examination of a sample of tissue from the site of the suspected cancer accompanied by imaging [MRI and/or CAT scans] is done to determine the stage of cancer. This physical examination is necessary a sitting aid in determining the method and pace of treatment- this, because varied arms of treatment at any particular stage are present and a particular regimen, is designed in each case predicting good diagnosis.

Yes, a Dental check-up might help in early diagnosis and the dental work accomplishment becomes a necessity for the patient before treatment of cancer begins including quitting smoking. Tongue cancer is among one type of mouth cancer. And the mouth cancer best treatment includes conventional treatment arms like radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, surgery, etc. The average mouth cancer treatment cost in India is about 4,735.2556 US Dollars

But prevention is better than cure and we need to quit smoking, alcohol abuse.

At the same time, it is well-appreciated fact that early diagnosis of mouth cancer or oral cancer, or tongue cancer can give a good prognosis with an increased disease-free survival rate. For this self, screening is key to the lock.

Self-screening for early diagnosis of tongue cancer: it is easy to self-screen for tongue cancer- Let us see how!…….

The individual can flashlight beneath his/her tongue and see in the mirror or mobile camera- this allows you to take a look at the floor of your mouth/ beneath the tongue.

Also followed to this it is advised to feel the oral mucosa beneath the tongue with a finger.

The next step is to stick out the tongue for examining the top surface and tip of the tongue.

Followed to this excursion movement of tongue left-right on both sides, and under surface using the flashlight will allow to see and feel all of these areas with fingers.

If you notice something on the tongue isn’t going away during self-screening, such as discoloration or a bleeding ulcer or unhealing sore, or unexplained burning sensation, you should see a healthcare provider.

Followed to these other symptoms like trouble swallowing, changes in voice, and pain in the throat or tongue that can be caused by other conditions but aren’t going away indicates an alarm to consult your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

The above-discussed list of symptoms doesn’t go away within two weeks, it is a necessity to see a healthcare provider.

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