Friday, September 23, 2022

7 Healthy Habits to Avoid Cancer - Cancer Rounds

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease where cells in the body divide uncontrollably. There are many types of cancer, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, brain cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, testicular cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, pancreas cancer, thyroid cancer, bone cancer, blood cancer, head and neck cancer, eye cancer, and mouth cancer. For treatment of cancer, anyone can consult an oncologist from HCG Cancer Centre with the help of Cancer Rounds

Habits to Avoid Cancer

 1. Alcohol

 Alcohol consumption increases the risk of mouth cancers, including the oral cavity (tongue, gum), oropharynx (base of tongue, tonsils, soft palate), and hypopharynx (pharynx). In addition, alcoholic beverages increase the likelihood of developing esophageal cancer.

 2. Tobacco

 Tobacco use is associated with increased risks of oral and pharyngeal cancers. Smoking tobacco products may cause certain types of oral cancers, especially those affecting the lip, the floor of the mouth, the base of the tongue, the hard palate, the gums, and the throat.

 3. Red Meat

 Red meat contains high levels of saturated fat, which is linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer. Beef and pork are higher in saturated fat than chicken and fish.

 4. Processed meats

 Processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, hot dogs, and pepperoni pizza, contain nitrites and nitrates. These additives have been linked to an increased risk for colorectal cancer.

 5. Refined Sugar

 Sugar-sweetened drinks are linked to obesity and diabetes, both of which raise the risk for several types of cancer.

 6. Fried Foods

 Fried food consumption is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer.

 7. Salted Food

 Salting preserves food and makes it last longer, but it also adds sodium to the diet. High salt intake raises blood pressure, which causes damage to blood vessels and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Important Links:

Complex Treatment

All about cancer

Best Cancer Hospital

Types of Cancer

Cancer Patient Diet

Symptoms & Causes of Cancer

Myth about cancer

Habits to survive cancer

Friday, September 9, 2022

7 Home Remedies that Help you in Fight with Cancer

 1. Coconut Oil

 Coconut oil contains lauric acid, capric acid, myristic acid, caprylic acid, caproic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidonic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid. These fatty acids have been shown to help reduce inflammation, boost immune function, fight cancer cells, improve digestion, maintain heart health, and improve brain function.

 2. Black Seed

 According to research by Fortis hospital, the black seed is known for its high levels of antioxidants, including tannins, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, and terpenes. Tannin is found in black seeds and helps inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi in the body, while flavonoid compounds help prevent free radical damage and may help protect against cancer. Saponins are natural surfactants that help remove toxins from the body and enhance liver detoxification. Alkaloids are chemical compounds found in some medicinal herbs that can have powerful effects on the central nervous system. Terpene compounds are similar to THC in their effect on the human endocannabinoid system, but they do not produce psychoactive effects.

 3. Turmeric

 Turmeric is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine. Curcumin is the primary active ingredient in turmeric and is responsible for many of the health benefits associated with turmeric use. Curcumin is also known to slow down tumor growth, kill cancer cells, and stimulate the production of white blood cells.

 4. Garlic

 Garlic contains sulfur-containing compounds called thiosulfinates that possess antimicrobial properties. Research shows that garlic extract inhibits the growth of cancer cells in vitro (i.e., in test tubes). One study showed that garlic extract was effective at reducing lung metastasis in mice with breast cancer. Another study demonstrated that garlic extract reduced prostate cancer cell growth in vitro. And yet another study showed that garlic extract inhibited the growth of colon cancer cells. In addition, garlic extract has been shown to effectively combat Helicobacter pylori infection. H. pylori causes ulcers and stomach cancers.

 5. Ginger

 Ginger contains volatile oils that are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer. Ginger has been shown to decrease pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea caused by chemotherapy treatment. Ginger has also been shown to increase appetite and relieve gastrointestinal distress. A recent study showed that ginger extract decreased the growth of leukemia cells.

 6. Green Tea

 Green tea contains catechins, which are potent antioxidants. Catechins have been shown to inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells, especially those related to digestive tract cancers. Green tea has also been shown to inhibit the formation of precancerous lesions in the mouth and throat.

 7. Salmon

 Salmon is rich in omega-3 fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Omega-3 fats have been linked to lower rates of cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Protein is necessary for building muscle and repairing damaged cells. Vitamin D supports bone health and aids in the absorption of calcium. Iron helps build red blood cells and keeps the body oxygenated. Zinc promotes wound healing and fights infections.

Important Links:

liver cancer curehabits avoid cancerfoods for cancer patientstop hematologist in IndiaNCIbest hospital in delhi ncr, symptoms of cancer

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

7 Symptoms of Mouth Cancer in India

Mouth Cancer is a disease where cells in the lining of the mouth turn malignant (cancerous). There are several types of oral cancers including lip, tongue, gum, floor of the mouth, inner cheek, outer cheek, tonsil, salivary gland, jaw bone, and palate. Oral cancers often begin in the mouth and spread to nearby lymph nodes. If left untreated, they may eventually spread to other parts of the body. Treatment cost of mouth cancer can depend on the size of cancer

Following are the symptoms mouth cancer

 1. A sore throat

 Mouth cancers often begin as sores inside the mouth called ulcers. These sores may look painful or bleed easily. If you notice any changes in your mouth, including a change in color, shape, size, or texture of the area, contact your dentist immediately.

 2. White patches in the mouth

 White patches in the mouth are not always caused by mouth cancer. However, if the white spots do not go away after several weeks, they could be a sign of oral cancer.

 3. Difficulty swallowing or chewing food

 If you have trouble eating or swallowing food, speak with your doctor right away. You may have a problem with the nerves, muscles, or bones related to your neck, jaw, esophagus, or stomach.

 4. Swelling in the face or tongue

 Swelling in your face or tongue may occur due to inflammation, infection, or a tumor. Contact your doctor if you experience swelling in these areas.

 5. Numbness or tingling in the lips, face, or fingers

 Numbness or tingles in your lips, face, or hands may be a symptom of mouth cancer. Call your doctor right away if you experience numbness or tingling.

 6. Mouth pain

 Mouth pain can be caused by many different conditions. See your doctor if you feel pain or discomfort in your mouth.

 7. Change in taste

 A change in your sense of taste may indicate a serious condition. Speak with your doctor if you notice a change in the way your food tastes.

You can also read this:

Basic things about oral cancer

What Hematologist Do?

What is Cancer | Basic thing about Cancer - Cancer Rounds

 1. Cancer - What is it?

 According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), cancer is defined as “a disease in which abnormal cells divide without control and spread to different parts of the body”. There are many types of cancers, including breast, lung, colon, prostate, liver, skin, brain, blood, bone, lymphoma, leukemia, thyroid, testicular, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervix, ovary, uterus, head & neck, esophagus, mouth, tongue, larynx, pharynx, nasal cavity, eye, ear, nose, throat (ENT), connective tissue, soft tissue, melanoma, Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Hodgkin's Lymphoma and leukemia.

 2. How do we get cancer?

 The causes of cancer are not fully understood. However, some factors have been identified that may increase your risk of developing certain forms of cancer. These include smoking tobacco products, drinking alcohol, poor diet, obesity, lack of physical activity, infections, exposure to environmental toxins, ionizing radiation, genetic mutations, age, gender, family history, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.

 3. Types of cancer

 Breast Cancer - Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women worldwide. According to the ACS, about 1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives. In 2016, over 231,000 cases were reported in the United States alone, making it the most commonly diagnosed cancer type. Other countries with high rates of breast cancer include Australia, Canada, France, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.

 Lung Cancer - Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women. About 224,390 people died from lung cancer in 2016. The majority of these deaths occurred in China, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the US.

 Colon Cancer - Colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and women combined. Approximately 135,830 people were diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016. Deaths due to colon cancer decreased slightly between 2008 and 2014. The highest rates of colon cancer are seen in North America and Europe.

 Prostate Cancer - Prostate cancer is the fifth most common cancer among men. One in six men will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime. The number of new diagnoses increased by nearly 60% between 2004 and 2012. The rate of increase was higher than any other cancer site. In 2016, approximately 161,960 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in the United States.

 Liver Cancer - Liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer in men, accounting for 687,000 new cases each year. Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) is the most common type of primary liver cancer. Other types include intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatic angiosarcoma. Globally, the incidence of liver cancer has risen sharply since 1980. Rates vary widely across regions, ranging from less than 10 per 100,000 people in East Asia and Oceania to more than 200 per 100,000 in Central Africa.

 Stomach Cancer - Stomach cancer is the seventh most common cancer in men. Worldwide, gastric cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in males. The majority of cases occur in Eastern Asia, Northern Africa, and Southern Latin America. In 2015, approximately 989,000 new cases of stomach cancer were diagnosed around the world.

 Skin Cancer - Skin cancer is the eighth most common cancer in men globally. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, causing roughly 75 percent of skin cancer-related deaths. The vast majority of cases are caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight. UVB rays damage DNA and lead to sunburns while UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin and are associated with wrinkling and aging. In 2016, approximately 62,230 new cases of skin cancer were reported in the United State alone.

 Head & Neck Cancer - Head & neck cancer is the ninth most common cancer in men worldwide. Overall, 577,500 new cases of head & neck cancer were diagnosed in 2018. The vast majority of these cases occur in Southeast Asia.

 Bone Cancer - Bone cancer is the tenth most common cancer in men in terms of global incidence. The most common type of bone cancer is osteosarcoma, which accounts for about 20 percent of all bone cancers. Another type of bone cancer is Ewing sarcoma.

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therapy for colon cancer 

symptoms of colon cancer

stages of colon cancer

prevent liver cancer

treatment for cancer

liver cancer causes

treatment of mouth cancer

Types of cancer

colon cancer therapy price

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Therapy to use Colon Cancer Treatment in India

There are many therapies that are used for colon cancer treatment in India. Different therapy is used for varying stages of colon cancer

treatment of colon treatment

Following are the treatments for colon cancer.

1. Surgery

 The first line of treatment for cancer is surgery. In cases where the tumor is small and localized, removal of the entire affected organ may be sufficient. However, if the tumor is more extensive, or spread throughout the body, then chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be necessary.

 2. Chemotherapy

 Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill fast-growing cells. It is often combined with surgery and/or radiation therapy, depending upon the type and stage of the cancer being treated. Commonly used chemotherapeutic agents include alkylating agents (e.g., cyclophosphamide), antimetabolites (e.g., methotrexate), antibiotics (e.g., bleomycin), and hormones (e.g., tamoxifen).

 3. Radiation Therapy

 Radiation therapy uses high doses of radiation to destroy cancerous tumors. External beam radiation therapy involves using powerful x-rays to deliver a dose of radiation directly to the tumor site. Radioactive material placed inside the body emits gamma rays and destroys cancer cells near its path. Internal radiation therapy delivers radioactive materials to the tumor site via catheters and needles. This method is commonly used to treat cancers that have metastasized outside the area of origin.

 4. Immunotherapy

 Immunotherapy uses substances called monoclonal antibodies to target cancer cells. These antibodies attach themselves to molecules specific to certain types of cancer cells, rendering them visible to immune system cells known as macrophages, which engulf and destroy them. Monoclonal antibodies may act directly against cancer cells or they may work indirectly by triggering the immune system's natural defenses against cancer.

 5. Targeted Therapies

 Targeted therapies use drugs that have been genetically engineered to attack only cancer cells while having little effect on normal cells. One example of targeted therapy is Herceptin, an antibody that binds to HER2 receptors overexpressed on breast cancer cells. Another example is Avastin, which interferes with blood flow to tumors and prevents their growth.

 6. Hormone Therapy

 Hormone therapy uses synthetic versions of naturally occurring sex hormones to treat prostate cancer. Testosterone is the primary hormone involved in male sexual function and reproduction. Prostate cancer affects men primarily, although women can develop the disease as well.

 7. Gene Therapy

 Gene therapy uses viruses to transfer genes into human cells to make them produce proteins that fight cancer. Viruses are harmless to humans, and gene therapy does not involve injecting harmful chemicals into the bloodstream. Instead, scientists take advantage of viruses' natural abilities to infect host cells and insert foreign DNA into them.

Check this: Colon Cancer treatment cost in India

Friday, February 25, 2022

Chemotherapy As A Cure For Liver Cancer Treatment

Liver cancer begins within the cells of your liver. Several types of cancer can form in the liver. One of the most common types is hepatocellular carcinoma, which begins in the main type of liver cell (hepatocyte). Other types, such as intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatoblastoma, are less common.

Cancer that spreads to the liver is more common than cancer that originates inside the liver cells. Cancer that begins in another part of the body such as the colon, lung or breast and then spreads to the liver is called metastatic liver cancer. This type of cancer is named after the organ from which it starts to spread such as metastatic colon cancer to describe cancer that begins in the colon and spreads to the liver.


The symptoms may not occur at an early stage but when they appear they may include,

  • Losing weight without trying
  • Loss of appetite
  • Upper abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • General weakness and fatigue
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Jaundice
  • White, chalky stools

Liver Cancer Treatment By Chemotherapy:

Liver cancer can be successfully treated with chemotherapy or a combination of treatments. Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast-growing cells in your body, usually cancer cells. It works by preventing the cancer cells from growing, dividing, and creating more cells. Many different chemotherapy drugs are available. To treat a wide variety of liver cancer chemotherapy drugs are used alone or in combination. It can be used after other treatments such as surgery to kill remaining cancer cells which are called adjuvant therapy. It can also be used before surgery or radiation therapy for reducing the size of the tumor, this is called neoadjuvant therapy. Chemotherapy is used to relieve signs and symptoms of cancer by killing some of the cancer cells which is called palliative chemotherapy.

Other Commonly Used Liver cancer treatments in India:

The treatment of liver cancer depends on the tumor size, location, stage of cancer and presence of cirrhosis. Treatment methods may depend from patient to patient depending on their condition. Some treatment options include:

  • Surgery: It involves removal of the tumor by surgical method
  • Liver transplant: This is the best treatment option for treating liver cancer if the replacement is available.
  • Chemotherapy: In this method, the drug is given in the form of pills or intravenously to kill cancer cells.
  • Radiotherapy: This method uses high energy x-rays on parts of higher risk.

What Is Liver Cancer Treatment Cost in India?

The liver cancer treatment cost in India may differ from hospital to hospital depending on the treatment method. This cost includes different factors which include a blood test, CT scan, type of treatment, patients’ health condition, doctor fees, hospital fees and others. Non-surgical treatment methods in India are more cost-effective than surgical methods. The liver cancer cost in India may differ from 150000 to 400000.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Oral/Mouth Cancer Spread – and The Advanced Stages

Oral cancer or mouth cancer is a common neoplasm diagnosed globally with incidence and mortality – that have also increased over the past decades. Oral cancer is characterized by poor prognosis and a low survival rate. This poor outcome is predicted, despite sophisticated surgical and radiotherapeutic modalities.  

The advanced stages of oral cancer or Metastasis of mouth cancer is a complex process. It means that the cancer cells have spread to other parts of body. It is involving the mechanism defined as detachment of cells from tumor tissue, regulation of cell motility and invasion, proliferation and evasion through the lymphatic system or blood vessels.  

The current knowledge in metastasis from oral cancer or mouth cancer spread and regarding facts, such as incidence; stage, histopathology and grade of primary tumor; clinical manifestations; diagnosis; and treatment- needs to be considered for determining treatment regimen. Certainly, this is achieved by understanding of oral cancer pathogenesis. 

After understanding the underlying pathogenesis and staging the cancer spread- allows the treating team to make an educated treatment decision 

The mouth cancer best treatment strategy is designed with predicted good outcome that begins with knowing the stage, or progression, of the disease.  

Our best oncologists in Cancer Rounds use a variety of diagnostic work up SOPs to evaluate oral cancer and develop an individualized treatment plan in a multidisciplinary way 

If you have been recently diagnosed, the team ill request for review of your pathology to confirm you have received the correct diagnosis and staging information. This allows you to meet the effective treatment plan and this is tailored to you and your needs which is individual for each case. If the patient reports with recurrence, oncologists will perform comprehensive testing to recommend a treatment approach that is personalized to the cancer type and stage. 

Stage oral cancer using the American Joint Committee on Cancer’s TNM system, a commonly accepted method - 

T (tumor): This describes the size of the original tumor. 

N (node): This indicates whether the cancer is in the lymph nodes. 

M (metastasis): This refers to whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. 

A number (0-4) or the letter X is assigned to each factor. A higher number indicates increasing severity. For instance, a T1 score indicates a smaller tumor than a T2 score. The letter X means the information could not be assessed. 

Once the T, N and M scores have been assigned, an overall stage is determined.

TX: Primary tumor cannot be assessed; information not known. 

TO: No evidence of a primary tumor has been found. 

Tis: Carcinoma in situ has been diagnosed, meaning the disease is still localized, or contained within the top layers of cells lining the oral cavity. Cancer cells have not invaded the deeper layers of oral tissue. 

T1: Tumor is 2 cm across or smaller. 

T2: Tumor is larger than 2 cm across, but smaller than 4 cm. 

T3: Tumor is larger than 4 cm across. 

T4 is divided into two subgroups: 

T4a: The tumor is growing into nearby structures. At this stage, the oral cancer is called a moderately advanced local disease. The areas to which cells have spread vary according to the type of oral cancer.  

For oral cavity cancers, the tumor is growing into nearby structures, such as the bones of the jaw or face, deep muscle of the tongue, skin of the face, or maxillary sinus. 

For lip cancers, the tumor is growing into nearby bone, the inferior alveolar nerve (the nerve to the jawbone), the floor of the mouth, or the skin of the chin or nose. 

T4b: The tumor has grown through nearby structures and into deeper areas or tissues. At this stage, the cancer is called very advanced local disease, and may include any of the following conditions: 

The tumor is growing into other bones, such as the pterygoid plates (in the skull) and/or the skull base. This type of spreading may occur with any oral cancer. 

The tumor surrounds the internal carotid artery. This type of spreading may occur with any oral cancer. 

For lip and oral cavity cancers: the tumor is growing into an area called the masticator space. 

NX: Nearby lymph nodes cannot be assessed; information not known. 

N0: The oral cancer has not spread to nearby lymph nodes. 

N1: The cancer has spread to one lymph node on the same side of the head or neck as the primary tumor. This lymph node is smaller than 3 cm across. 

N2: This category is divided into these subgroups: 

N2a: The oral cancer has spread to one lymph node on the same side as the primary tumor, and the lymph node measures 3-6 cm across. 

N2b: The cancer has spread to two or more lymph nodes on the same side as the primary tumor. No lymph nodes are larger than 6 cm across. 

N2c: The oral cancer has spread to one or more lymph nodes on both sides of the neck or on the side opposite the primary tumor. No lymph nodes are larger than 6 cm across. 

N3: The cancer has spread to a lymph node that measures more than 6 cm across. 

M0: No distant spread has been detected. 

M1: The oral cancer has spread to distant sites outside the head and neck region (for example, the lungs, liver or bones).

Stages of mouth cancer: 

Stage 0: A stage 0 oral cancer tumor means the cancer is only growing in the epithelium. No cancer cells are present in deeper layers of tissue, nearby structures, lymph nodes or distant sites (carcinoma in situ). 

Stage 1 oral cancer: A stage 1 oral cancer tumor means the primary tumor is 2 cm across or smaller, and no cancer cells are present in nearby structures, lymph nodes or distant sites. 

Stage 2 oral cancer: A stage 2 oral tumor measures 2 cm to 4 cm across, and no cancer cells are present in nearby structures, lymph nodes or distant sites. 

Stage 3 oral cancer: A stage 3 oral tumor means one of the following: 

Tumor is larger than 4 cm across, and no cancer cells are present in nearby structures, lymph nodes or distant sites. 

The oral tumor is any size but has not grown into nearby structures or distant sites.  

 Cancer cells are present in one lymph node, which is located on the same side of the head or neck as the primary tumor and is smaller than 3 cm across. 

Stage 4 oral cancer: There are three categories in this stage: 

stage 4A oral cancer, one of the following applies: 

T4a, with or without lymph node involvement. Cancer has not spread to distant sites. 

N2, with any size tumor: The tumor is any size and may or may not have invaded nearby structures, it has not spread to distant sites, and  

Cancer cells are present in one lymph node, are located on the same side of the head or neck as the primary tumor, and measure 3-6 cm across (N2a). 

Cancer cells are present in one lymph node on the opposite side of the head or neck, and measure less than 6 cm across (N2b). 

Cancer cells are present in two or more lymph nodes, are smaller than 6 cm across, and are located on either side of the head or neck (N2c).

Stage 4B oral cancer, one of the following applies: 

T4b, any N, M0: tumor has invaded deeper areas and/or tissues, that may or may not have spread to lymph nodes and has not spread to distant sites. 

Any T, N3, M0: The tumor is any size and may or may not have grown into other structures. It has spread to one or more lymph nodes larger than 6 cm across, but has not spread to distant sites. 

Stage 4C oral cancer, with any T, and any N, M1: cancer cells spread/ metastasis with a tumor of any size or lymph node involvement. Cancer cells have spread to distant sites, most common to the lungs.

7 Healthy Habits to Avoid Cancer - Cancer Rounds

What is Cancer? Cancer is a disease where cells in the body divide uncontrollably. There are many types of cancer, including breast cancer, ...