Saturday, February 12, 2022

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions On Brain Tumors

Seizures, sleepiness, confusion, and behavioral changes are just some of the symptoms of brain cancer. Brain tumours aren't always cancerous, and benign tumors(that do not spread) can cause similar symptoms. Do you want to know more about brain tumors? Here are the top 10 frequently asked questions that will help you add to your knowledge.  

1. What is a brain tumor?  

The growth of abnormal cells in the brain tissues is known as a brain tumor. Brain tumors can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous) (cancerous). Both types can irritate nerves and push into vital functional areas (the area where the tumour is involved) that can affect speech, movement, and sensations.  

2. Are brain cancer and brain tumors the same?

All brain cancers are tumors, but not all brain tumors are cancerous. Benign brain tumors are noncancerous brain cancers. Benign brain tumors grow slowly, have well-defined borders, and rarely spread. Whereas, a malignant tumor is cancerous and can spread to different areas in the body. 

3. Which is the most common type of brain tumor?

Meningioma. The most common primary brain tumor, accounting for more than 30% of all brain tumors, is meningioma. The meninges, the outer three layers of tissue that cover and protect the brain just beneath the skull, are where meningiomas begin. Meningiomas are diagnosed more frequently in women than in men.

4. How long does a brain tumor take to grow?

Many brain tumors, especially benign brain tumors, grow slowly. Rather than being surgically removed, some benign tumors can be safely monitored by a medical team for months or even years. However, many malignant tumors are more aggressive and fast-growing, necessitating prompt treatment.

5. What is the survival rate after brain cancer?  

This is a difficult question to answer. According to research,  the rate of malignant brain tumors varies depending on the type of tumor. However, because there are so many other factors at play, no one can give an accurate answer for an individual. Keeping a positive mindset is the key to a successful treatment. Engage in a cancer help group or talking to cancer survivors can help keep up positivity during the treatment.

6. Are brain cancer and brain tumors the same?

Yes! Brain cancer and brain tumors are used interchangeably. Note that all tumors are cancers, but not cancers are tumors (malignant). 

7. Can brain cancer spread?  

Yes, malignant types of cancers can spread to the spine. Benign cancers do not spread.

8. How often do brain tumor headaches occur?   

Some people with brain tumors never get headaches, while others get headaches on a regular basis. Once a brain tumor diagnosis is confirmed, steroids may be used to help provide relief. However, even if the headaches go away, they may return in the future. Such reappearances may indicate tumor changes, an increase in tumor-related brain swelling, or the tumor's return after treatment.

9. How is a brain tumor diagnosed?  

Brain tumor diagnosis can involve: 

  • A thorough examination of symptoms  
  • A complete physical, neurological, and vision examination is performed. 
  • Imaging (typically a CT scan followed by an MRI) 
  • Microscopic examination of tumor cells obtained from a tumor tissue sample obtained during a biopsy or other surgical procedure. 
  • Molecular testing for genetic mutations and other tumor-specific characteristics (brain tumor typing)    

10.  How is brain tumor treatment done? 

When a brain tumor is diagnosed, the first course of action is usually surgery to remove the tumor. However, because of their location in the brain, some tumors cannot be surgically removed. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be used to kill and shrink the tumor in these cases. Following surgery, you may receive chemotherapy or radiation to kill any remaining cancer cells.  

For more information about the treatment of brain tumors or any queries, visit our website  


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